This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people

Local Plan Examination Library

The Examination Library below provides access to all supporting evidence and documentation relating to the Local Plan. 

Complete list of Call Examination Library documents (updated 27 January 2017)

Documents added after the Hearings (from 18 January 2016)

LP1a Local Plan Submission Document July 2015 (pdf 6.81MB)
LP1b Bootle Policy Map (pdf 4.82MB)
LP1b Formby Policy Map (pdf 3.02MB)
LP1b Sefton East Policy Map (pdf 4.3MB)
LP1b Southport Policy Map (pdf 5.68MB)
LP1c Local Plan Policy Map Changes July 2015 (pdf 5.75MB)
LP3a PART 1 Sustainability Appraisal Of The Local Plan For Sefton – Final Report Aecom July 2015 (pdf 3.52MB)
LP3a PART 2 Sustainability Appraisal Of The Local Plan For Sefton – Final Report Aecom July 2015 (pdf 5.67MB)
LP3b Sustainability Appraisal Non Technical Summary Aecom July 2015 (pdf 872KB)
LP4 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report SMBC December 2012 (pdf 1.94MB)
LP5 Local Plan Site Selection Methodology SMBC November 2014 (pdf 505KB)
LP5a Sites Included Within The Local Plan Southport SMBC November 2014 (pdf 2.44MB)
LP5b Sites Included Within The Local Plan Formby SMBC November 2014 (pdf 2.38MB)
LP5c Sites Included Within The Local Plan Crosby And Hightown SMBC November 2014 (pdf 1.25MB)
LP5d Sites Included Within The Local Plan Sefton East Parishes SMBC November 2014 (pdf 1.6MB)
LP5e Sites Included Within The Local Plan Bootle And Netherton SMBC November 2014 (pdf 3.12MB)
LP5f Sites Not Included Within The Local Plan Southport SMBC November 2014 (pdf 791KB)
LP5g Sites Not Included Within The Local Plan Formby SMBC November 2014 (pdf 657KB)
LP5h Sites Not Included Within The Local Plan Crosby And Hightown SMBC November 2014 (pdf 956KB)
LP5i Sites Not Included Within The Local Plan Sefton East Parishes SMBC November 2014 (pdf 2.56MB)
LP5j Sites Not Included Within The Local Plan Bootle And Netherton SMBC November 2014 (pdf 1005KB)
LP6 Statement Of Community Involvement SMBC February 2011 (pdf 1.02MB)
LP7 Statement Of Consultation Regulation 22 Statement SMBC July 2015 UPDATED AUGUST 2015 (pdf 1.5MB)
LP8 Statement Of Representation Procedure SMBC January 2015 (pdf 66KB)

LP.9 Copies of Representations to the Local Plan Publication Draft (SMBC, March 2015)

LP10 Habitat Assessment URS January 2015 (pdf 3.68MB)
LP11 Equalities Impact Assessment SMBC December 2014 (pdf 543KB)
LP12 Duty To Cooperate And Appendices July 2015 (pdf 4.19MB)
LP13 Local Development Scheme SMBC February 2015 (pdf 361KB)
LP14 Authority Monitoring Report SMBC September 2014 (pdf 505KB)
LP15 List Of Saved Unitary Development Policies To Be Replaced By Local Plan Policies SMBC July 2015 (pdf 327KB)
LP16 Summary Of Publication Comments In Plan Order Part1 (pdf 4.15MB)
LP16 Summary Of Publication Comments In Plan Order Part2 (pdf 4.01MB)
LP16 Summary Of Publication Comments In Plan Order Part3 (pdf 3.63MB)
LP17 Authority Monitoring Report SMBC September 2015 (pdf 347KB)
LP18 Local Development Scheme SMBC September 2015 (pdf 804KB)
LP19 List Of Proposed Main Modifications To The Local Plan 1 October 2015 (pdf 6.16MB)
LP20 Interim Sustainability Appraisal – Options Sefton May 2011 (pdf 92KB)
LP21 Sustainability Appraisal Of Preferred Options Sefton July 2013 (pdf 837KB)
LP22 2009 SA Scoping Report (pdf 1.46MB)
LP24 Local Plan Main Modifications November 2015 (pdf 464KB)
LP25 Proposed November Policy Map Changes (pdf 2.73MB)
LP27 All Proposed Main And Additional Modifications As At 13 November (pdf 430KB)
LP27a All Proposed Modifications Detailed As At 17 November (pdf 651KB)
LP28 Track Changes Version Of The Local Plan As At 13 November (pdf 4.15MB)
LP29 List Of Proposed Modifications To Local Plan Urgent Business SMBC November 2015 (pdf 642KB)
LP30 Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Aecom December 2015 (pdf 1.42MB)
LP31 All Proposed Modifications Reconciled 301115 (pdf 297KB)
LP32 List Of Proposed Modifications To The Local Plan Arising During Hearings Sessions (pdf 3.21MB)
LP33 A Local Plan For Sefton Proposed Modifications December 2015 (pdf 6.09MB)
LP34 Proposed Modifications Table Post Hearings 20160129 To PO With Mod Refs (pdf 1.02MB)
LP35 Proposed Modifications Post Hearings 2Nd Set 5 Feb (pdf 1.15MB)
LP36 Proposed Modifications Post Hearings 3Rd Set 15 February 2016 (pdf 5.54MB)
LP37 Supplementary Proposed Mod MN214A Re Policy Map (pdf 408KB)
LP38a Proposed Modifications Local Plan June 2016 Modifications Shown (pdf 4.6MB)
LP38b Proposed Modifications To Policies Map Southport June 2016 (pdf 7.38MB)
LP38c Proposed Modifications To Policies Map Formby June 2016 (pdf 3.27MB)
LP38d Proposed Modifications To Policies Map Bootle And Crosby June 2016 (pdf 5.35MB)
LP38e Proposed Modifications To Policies Map Sefton East Parishes June 2016 (pdf 4.79MB)
LP39a Schedule Of Proposed Modifications To The Sefton Local Plan June 2016 (pdf 2.12MB)
LP39b Schedule Of Proposed Modifications To Policies map June 2016 (pdf 7.88MB)
LP39c Schedule Of Proposed Modifications To Policiesmap Cont June 2016 (pdf 4.95MB)

If all the modifications were accepted the Local Plan would read as follows (please note this is for illustrative purposes only).

LP40 Proposed Modifications Local Plan June 2016 Modifications Accepted (pdf 4.15MB)
LP41 Local Plan Modifications Sustainability Appraisal Update May 2016 (pdf 843KB)
LP42 Habitats Regulations Assessment Of Proposed Modifications To Local Plan May 2016 (pdf 1.32MB)


Cm1a Report To Cabinet 17th May 2007 ‘Sefton Local Development Framework Preparation Of The Core Strategy’ (pdf 134KB)
Cm1b Minute Of Cabinet 17th May 2007 (pdf 221KB)
Cm2a Report To Planning Committee 12th November 2008 ‘Core Strategy Progress Report’ (pdf 123KB)
Cm2b Minute Of Planning Committee 12th November 2008 (pdf 71KB)
Cm3a Report To Planning Committee Of 17th December 2008 ‘Core Strategy Spatial Portraits And Vision’ (pdf 200KB)
Cm3b Minute Of Planning Committee Of 17th December 2008 (pdf 81KB)
Cm4a Report To Cabinet Of 3rd September 2009 ‘Core Strategy – Report Of Early Consultation’ (pdf 180KB)
Cm4b Minute Of Cabinet 3rd September 2009 (pdf 74KB)
Cm5a Report To Cabinet Of 1st October 2009 ‘Core Strategy – The Spatial Where Should Development Be Located (pdf 236KB)
Cm5b Minute Of Cabinet 1st October 2009 (pdf 96KB)
Cm6a Report To Planning Committee Of 15th December 2010 ‘Preparation Of Sefton’s Core Strategy – An Update’ (pdf 108KB)
Cm6b Minute Of Planning Committee Of 15Th December 2010 ‘Preparation Of Sefton’s Core Strategy – An Update’ (pdf 77KB)
Cm7a Report To Cabinet Of 17th February 2011 ‘Core Strategy For Sefton – Options Paper’ (pdf 3.53MB)
Cm7b Minute Of Cabinet Of 17th February 2011 ‘Core Strategy For Sefton – Options Paper’ (pdf 3.53MB)
Cm8a Report To Cabinet Of 17th February 2011 ‘A Review Of The Evidence Supporting The Core Strategy’ (pdf 163KB)
Cm8b Minute Of Cabinet Of 17th February 2011 ‘A Review Of The Evidence Supporting The Core Strategy’ (pdf 86KB)
Cm9a Report To Planning Committee Of 29th June 2011 ‘Consultation On Core Strategy For Sefton – Update’ (pdf 135KB)
Cm9b Minute Of Planning Committee Of 29th June 2011 ‘Consultation On Core Strategy For Sefton – Update’ (pdf 67KB)
Cm10a Report To Planning Committee Of 21st Sept 11 ‘Initial Report Following Consultation On The Options Stage’ (pdf 160KB)
Cm10b Minute Of Planning Committee Of 21st Sept 11 ‘ Initial Report Following Consultation On The Options Stage’ (pdf 160KB)
Cm11a Report To Planning Committee 16th Nov 2011 ‘Interim Report Following Consultation At The Options Stage’ (pdf 859KB)
Cm11b Minute Of Planning Committee 16th Nov 2011 ‘ Interim Report Following Consultation At The Options Stage’ (pdf 62KB)
Cm12a Report To Planning Committee Of 22nd February 2012 ‘ Report Following Consultation At The Options Stage’ (pdf 7.46MB)
Cm12b Minute Of Planning Committee Of 22nd February 2012 ‘Report Following Consultation At The Options Stage’ (pdf 54KB)
Cm13a Report To Cabinet 13th December 2012 ‘Local Plan For Sefton Outcome Of Studies’ (pdf 560KB)
Cm13b Minute Of Cabinet 13th December 2012 ‘Local Plan For Sefton Outcome Of Studies’ (pdf 150KB)
Cm14a Report To Council 27th June 2013 ‘Local Plan For Sefton Preferred Option Document’ (pdf 4.8MB)
Cm14b Minute Of Council 27th June 2013 ‘Local Plan For Sefton Preferred Option Document’ (pdf 100KB)
Cm15a Report To Cabinet 16th January 2014 ‘Local Plan For Sefton Report Of Consultation On Preferred Option’ (pdf 3.27MB)
Cm15b Minute Of Cabinet 16th January 2014 ‘Local Plan For Sefton Report Of Consultation On Preferred Option’ (pdf 73KB)
Cm16a Report To Cabinet Member Regeneration And Tourism 28th May 2014 ‘Local Plan Additional Sites Consultation’ (pdf 66KB)
Cm17a Report To Council 22nd January 2015 ‘Local Plan For Sefton – Publication Draft Plan PART1 (pdf 6.97MB)
Cm17a Report To Council 22nd January 2015 ‘Local Plan For Sefton – Publication Draft Plan PART2 (pdf 4.09MB)
Cm17b Minute Of Council 22nd January 2015 ‘Local Plan For Sefton – Publication Draft Plan’ (pdf 188KB)
Cm18a Report To Cabinet 3rd July 2015 ‘Council Owned Sites Identified For Housing Development In The Local Plan’ (pdf 103KB)
Cm18b Minute Of Cabinet 3rd July 2015 ‘Council Owned Sites Identified For Housing Development In The Local Plan’ (pdf 164KB)
Cm19a Report To Council 16th July 2015 ‘Sefton Local Plan – Submission Draft’ (pdf 1.2MB)
Cm19b Minute Of Council 16th July 2015 ‘Sefton Local Plan – Submission Draft’ (pdf 62KB)
CM20 Council 22nd January 2015 Supplementary Agenda Note (pdf 465KB)
Cm21a Report To Cabinet 1st October 2015 Local Plan Update Proposed Mods (pdf 6.12MB)
Cm21b Minute Of Cabinet 1st October 2015 Local Plan Update Proposed Mods (pdf 73KB)
Cm22a Report To Cabinet 5th November 2015 Local Plan Further Changes (pdf 3.79MB)
Cm22b Minute Of Cabinet 5th November 2015 Local Plan Further Changes (pdf 114KB)
CM23 Report To Chief Executive 13th November 2015 Local Plan Further Changes (pdf 747KB)
HO1 Review Of The Objectively Assessed Housing Requirement NLP July 2015 (pdf 1.93MB)
HO2 Review Of The Objectively Assessed Housing Requirement NLP December 2014 (pdf 3.61MB)
HO3 Review Of RSS Housing Requirement For Sefton NLP December 2012 (pdf 1009KB)
HO4 Review Of RSS Housing Requirement For Sefton NLP March 2011 (pdf 2.13MB)
HO5 Strategic Housing Market Assessment JG Consultants November 2014 (pdf 1.52MB)
HO6 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SMBC 2015 PART1 (pdf 2.59MB)
HO6 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SMBC 2015 PART2 (pdf 6.64MB)
HO7 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SMBC 2014 (pdf 621KB)
HO8 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SMBC 2013 (pdf 623KB)
HO9 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SMBC 2012 (pdf 440KB)
HO10 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SMBC 2011 (pdf 143KB)
HO11 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SMBC 2010 (pdf 276KB)
HO12 Merseyside Traveller Assessment Arc4 August 2014 (pdf 2.18MB)
HO13 Study To Assess The Potential For Self Build And Custom Build Homes In Sefton Northstar September 2015 (pdf 769KB)
HO14 Ministerial Statement – Building Regulations 13 March 2014 (pdf 69KB)
Ho15a Sefton SHMA Final Report June 2009 Pt1 (pdf 4.55MB)
Ho15b Sefton SHMA Final Report June 2009 Pt2 (pdf 3.68MB)
HO16 Liverpool City Region Housing And Employment Evidence Overview Study May2011 (pdf 4.11MB)
HO17 Five Year Housing Supply Statement At 1St April 2015 (pdf 270KB)
HO18 Wycombe Core Strategy Inspectors Report (pdf 236KB)
HO19 Older Persons Housing Strategy Northstar December 2014 (pdf 3.3MB)
HO20 Local Plan Housing Trajectory SMBC October 2015 (pdf 97KB)
HO20a Updated Local Plan Housing Trajectory (pdf 72KB)
HO21 Review Of Housing Requirement Labour Supply Adjustment NLP November 2015 (pdf 258KB)
HO22 Backloaded Housing Trajectories Post NPPF (pdf 24KB)
HO23 Report On The Examination Into Eastleigh Borough Councils Local Plan (pdf 244KB)
HO24 S106 Housing Sites With Detail Of Affordable Housing Secured (pdf 162KB)
HO25 2015 5 Year Supply Revised 18 12 2015 (pdf 280KB)
HO26 Rolling 5 Year Supply Position Statement (pdf 283KB)
EM1 Employment Land And Premises Update BE Group August 2015 (pdf 3.27MB)
EM2 Employment Land And Premises Study BE November 2012 (pdf 969KB)
EM3 Employment Land And Premises Study BE January 2010 (pdf 1.61MB)
EM4 Retail Strategy Review WYG May 2012 (pdf 2.89MB)
EM5a Southport Town Centre Health Check (pdf 2.5MB)
EM5b Bootle Town Centre Health Check (pdf 2.09MB)
EM5c Formby District Centre Heath Check (pdf 764KB)
EM5d Crosby District Centre Heath Check (pdf 795KB)
EM5e Waterloo District Centre Heath Check (pdf 1.1MB)
EM5f Maghull District Centre Heath Check (pdf 758KB)
EM6 Liverpool City Region Superport Market Analysis Liverpool LEP March 2014 (pdf 1.48MB)
EM7a Retail Strategy Review WYG October 2015 (pdf 1.75MB)
EM7b Retail Strategy Review Appendices 1-2 (pdf 1.12MB)
EM7c Retail Strategy Review Appendices 3-4 (pdf 1.46MB)
EM7d Retail Strategy Review Appendices 5-9 UPDATED (pdf 5.67MB)
EM8 Peel Ports Masterplan Executive Summary June 2011 (pdf 2.21MB)
EM9 Retail Threshold Analysis Report October 2015 (pdf 501KB)
EM10 Dunnings Bridge Road Economic Investment Strategy BE Group October 2015 (pdf 2.34MB)
EM11 Southport Commerce Park Land Allocation Review BE Group May 2005 (pdf 1.77MB)
EM12 Assessment Of Labour Supply Implications BE Group Ekosgen October 2015 (pdf 895KB)
EM13 Letter Re Extension To Southport Business Park (pdf 132KB)
EM14 Setting Emloyment Land Targets For North West England (pdf 487KB)
EM15 Crosby Regeneration Framework June2015 (pdf 6.95MB)


EM17a Sefton District Centres Local Centres Shopping Parades Retail Study MAY 2012 FINAL (pdf 1.16MB)
EM17b Appendix 1 District Local Centres And Shopping Parades Key Maps 1-6 MAY 2012 FINAL (pdf 2.54MB)
EM17c Appendix 2 Detailed Health Checks Of The District Local Centres MAY 2012 FINAL (pdf 2.83MB)
EM17d Appendix 3 Detailed Health Checks Of The Shopping Parades Part 1 (pdf 4.3MB)
EM17e Appendix 3 Detailed Health Checks Of The Shopping Parades Part 2 (pdf 4.3MB)
EM17f Appendix 4 Additional Walk Time Plans MAY 2012 FINAL (pdf 1.57MB)


TR1 Sefton Local Plan Transport Modelling Option Testing Mott Mcdonald April 2013 (pdf 2.78MB)
TR3 Land East Of Maghullforecasting Report Atkins May 2015 (pdf 2.29MB)
TR3a Flow Difference Plots 2019 Do Something Minus Base (pdf 540KB)
TR3b Flow Difference Plots 2024 Do Something Minus Base (pdf 1.61MB)
TR3c Flow Difference Plots 2034 Do Something Minus Base (pdf 560KB)
TR3d Junction Stress Plots 2019 DS Base (pdf 4.4MB)
TR3e Junction Stress Plots 2024 DS Base (pdf 5.75MB)
TR3f Junction Stress Plots 2034 DS Base (pdf 4.54MB)
TR3g Flow Difference Plots 2019 Do Something Do Minimum (pdf 629KB)
TR3h Flow Difference Plots 2024 Do Something Do Minimum (pdf 1.34MB)
TR3i Flow Difference Plots 2034 Do Something Do Minimum (pdf 763KB)
TR3j Junction Stress Plots 2019 DS DM (pdf 4.02MB)
TR3k Junction Stress Plots 2024 DS DM (pdf 5.81MB)
TR3l Junction Stress Plots 2034 DS DM (pdf 4.01MB)
TR4 Southport Forecasting Report Atkins May 2015 (pdf 5.93MB)
TR5 Formby Development Forecasting Report Atkins May 2015 (pdf 3.88MB)
TR6 Aintree Traffic Forecast SMBC AECOM November 2015 (pdf 1016KB)
TR7 Assessment Of Transport Assessments Report Parsons Brinckerhoff December 2014 (pdf 6.67MB)
TR7a Strategic Review Of SR402 And AS01 Parsons Brinckerhoff December 2014 (pdf 183KB)
TR7b Strategic Review Of SR4 03 Hydrock Parsons Brinckerhoff December 2014 (pdf 172KB)
TR7c Strategic Review Of SR4 03 SCP Parsons Brinckerhoff December 2014 (pdf 172KB)
TR7d Strategic Review Of SR4 29 Parsons Brinckerhoff December 2014 (pdf 188KB)
TR7e Strategic Review Of AS08 Parsons Brinckerhoff December 2014 (pdf 181KB)
TR7f Strategic Review Of AS12 Parsons Brinckerhoff December 2014 (pdf 191KB)
TR7g Strategic Review Of AS18 Parsons Brinckerhoff December 2014 (pdf 192KB)
TR7h Strategic Review Of AS19 Parsons Brinckerhoff December 2014 (pdf 203KB)
TR7i Strategic Review Of AS22 Parsons Brinckerhoff December 2014 (pdf 189KB)
TR7j Strategic Review Of AS23 Parsons Brinckerhoff December 2014 (pdf 191KB)
TR8 Transport Assessment Of Moss Lane Parsons Brinckerhoff September 2014 (pdf 2.77MB)
TR8a Transport Assessment Of Moss Lane Traffic Surveys Parsons Brinckerhoff September 2014 (pdf 49KB)
TR8b Transport Assessment Of Moss Lane Traffic Flow Parsons Brinckerhoff September 2014 (pdf 90KB)
TR8c Transport Assessment Of Moss Lane Trip Rates Parsons Brinckerhoff September 2014 (pdf 626KB)
TR8d Transport Assessment Of Moss Lane Gravity Model Parsons Brinckerhoff September 2014 (pdf 11KB)
TR8e Transport Assessment Of Moss Lane Model Outputs Parsons Brinckerhoff September 2014 (pdf 1.01MB)
TR9 The Third Local Transport Plan For Merseyside LCR April 2011 (pdf 5.76MB)
TR10 Road Investment Strategy 2015 20 (pdf 6.06MB)
TR11 A Transport Plan For Growth Liverpool City Region Combined Authority February 2015 (pdf 918KB)
TR12 Merseytravel Letter Re Land East Of Maghull (pdf 181KB)
TR13 M58 Junction 1 Improvement Local Model Validation Report (pdf 2.28MB)
TR13a M58 Junction 1 Improvement LMVR V1 Appendices (pdf 3.34MB)
TR14 Formby SATURN Traffic Model Update Local Model Validation Report (pdf 1.44MB)
TR15 Southport SATURN Traffic Model Update Local Model Validation Report Atkins December 2014 (pdf 6.4MB)
TR16 Port Of Liverpool Newsletter October 2015 (pdf 905KB)
TR17 Traffic And Accident Data For Moor Lane Ainsdale (pdf 172KB)
TR18 Thornton Transport Note (pdf 221KB)
TR19 Water Lane Bypass Abandonment Note (pdf 1.39MB)
EN1 Green Belt Study SMBC June 2013 (pdf 1.52MB)
EN1a Green Belt Site Assessments Southport SMBC June 2013 (pdf 5.81MB)
EN1b Green Belt Site Assessments Woodvale And Formby SMBC June 2013 (pdf 7.12MB)
EN1c Green Belt Site Assessments Ince Blundell And Hightown SMBC June 2013 (pdf 1.54MB)
EN1d Green Belt Site Assessments Crosby And Thornton SMBC June 2013 (pdf 7.38MB)
EN1e Green Belt Site Assessments Sefton Village And Netherton SMBC June 2013 (pdf 1.34MB)
EN1f Green Belt Assessments Maghull And Lydiate SMBC June 2013 (pdf 6.77MB)
EN1g Green Belt Site Assessments Melling And Aintree SMBC June 2013 (pdf 5.13MB)
EN1h Green Belt Site Assessments Sefton And Kirkby SMBC June 2013 (pdf 566KB)
EN2 Methodology And Assessment For Selecting Green Belt Sites SMBC June 2013 (pdf 690KB)
EN3 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Capita Symonds March 2013 (pdf 2.06MB)

The above assessment is supported by plans.

EN6 Agricultural Land Study ADAS November 2012 (pdf 2.19MB)
EN7 The DEFRA Magic Map Of Agricultural Land Classifications (pdf 587KB)
EN8 A Map Showing Historic Detailed Agricultural Land Assessments (pdf 676KB)
EN9 Agricultural Land Quality Post 2012 Surveys (pdf 614KB)
EN10 Landscape Assessment Of Local Plan Allocations Ryder Landscape Consultants November 2014 (pdf 1.78MB)
EN10a Landscape Site Assessments Part 1 Ryder Landscape Consultants November 2014 (pdf 6.61MB)
EN10b Landscape Site Assessments Part 2 Ryder Landscape Consultants November 2014 (pdf 6.55MB)
EN10c Landscape Site Assessments Part 3 Ryder Landscape Consultants November 2014 (pdf 7.2MB)
EN10d Landscape Site Assessments Part 4 Ryder Landscape Consultants November 2014 (pdf 6.52MB)
EN11 English Heritage Response To Area Of Search Wind April 2014 (pdf 142KB)
EN12 Map Showing Of Existing And Proposed Extent Of Green Belt In Sefton SMBC September 2015 (pdf 2.72MB)
EN13 Mineral Resource Information In Support Of National Regional And Local Planning Merseyside (pdf 906KB)
EN13a Merseyside Mineral Map (pdf 2.93MB)
EN14 Ministerial Statement On Sustainable Drainage Systems 18 December 2015 (pdf 81KB)
EN15 Ministerial Statement On Wind Energy 18 June 2015 (pdf 77KB)
EN16 Para 917 On Zero Carbon Homes Of HM Treasury Productivity Plan July 2015 (pdf 214KB)
EN17 Defra Technical Standards For Suds March 2015 (pdf 40KB)
EN18 Bankfield Lane Flood Risk Assessment (pdf 4.83MB)
EN19 Public Rights Of Way And Paths In Sefton (pdf 1.28MB)
EN20 Public Rights Of Way And Paths In Maghull (pdf 1.32MB)
EN21 Extract From LCR Renewable Energy Capacity Study (pdf 185KB)
EN22 Shoreline Management Plan North West And North Wales Coastal Group February 2011 (pdf 1.34MB)
EN22a Policy Statement Formby Dunes (pdf 1.05MB)
EN22b Policy Statement Seaforth To River Alt (pdf 521KB)
EN22c Policy Statement Ribble Estuary (pdf 2.73MB)
EN22d Sefton Coast FINAL (pdf 981KB)
EN22e Glossary Of Terms (pdf 71KB)
EN23 Site Flood Risk Assessment HC53 Plex Moss Lane (pdf 1.54MB)
EN24 Policy Review Of EQ8 Report (pdf 1.27MB)
EN25a Natural England HRA Comments (pdf 809KB)
EN25b Natural Resources Wales HRA Comments (pdf 115KB)
EN26a Former Phillips Site MN23 Site Flood Risk Assessment Waterman 2015 (pdf 504KB)
EN26b Appendices 1 (pdf 6.01MB)
EN26c Appendices 2 (pdf 2.05MB)
EN27 Land East Of Maghull MN246 – Flood Risk Assessment WYG March 2015 (pdf 493KB)
EN28 Review Of Heritage Assessments Submitted To Sefton LP AOC October 2015 (pdf 952KB)
EN28a Heritage Review Appendix 1 Methodology (pdf 414KB)
EN28b Heritage Review Appendix 2 AS 10 Edge Lane Thornton (pdf 5.53MB)
EN28c Heritage Review Appendix 3 AS 30 Damfield Lane Maghull (pdf 3.66MB)
EN28d Heritage Review Appendix 4 MN2.2 Bankfield Lane Churchtown (pdf 1.45MB)
EN28e Heritage Review Appendix 5 MN2.11 Moor Lane Ainsdale (pdf 2.03MB)
EN28f1 Heritage Review Appendix 6 MN2.16 MN2.17 Liverpool Road And Altcar Lane Formby (pdf 3.42MB)
EN28f2 Heritage Review Appendix 6 (pdf 3.69MB)
EN28g Heritage Review Appendix 7 MN2 19 Land At Andrews Lane Formby (pdf 3.39MB)
EN28h Heritage Review Appendix 8 Land At Wango Lane Aintree (pdf 5.31MB)
EN28i Heritage Review Appendix 9 AS 28 Land South Of Loveladys Farm Formby (pdf 3.43MB)
EN30 SA Addendum Revised Ecological Scoring (pdf 269KB)
EN31 Bankfield Lane Flood Risk Assessment Weetwood October 2015 (pdf 4.83MB)
EN32a Local Plan Site Flood Risk Screening Report JBA October 2015 (pdf 4.42MB)
EN32b Local Plan Site Flood Risk Screening Report JBA October 2015 (pdf 4.45MB)
EN33 Site Flood Risk Assessment For Site MN26 JBA October 2015 (pdf 2.44MB)
EN34 SA Addendum New Sites Publication Stage SMBC November 2015 (pdf 648KB)
EN35 Site Selection Heritage Issues (pdf 257KB)
EN36 Sefton Council And National Trust Statement Of Common Ground (pdf 965KB)
EN37 Sefton Council And Environment Agency Statement Of Common Ground (pdf 379KB)
EN38 Site Flood Risk Assessment For Southport Marine Park JBA November 2015 (pdf 1.64MB)
EN39 Moss Lane Flood Risk Assess Drainage Strategy Main Report (pdf 1.9MB)
EN39a C Moss Lane Flood Risk Assessment And Drainage Management Strategy Appendix A C (pdf 6.41MB)
EN39d J Moss Lane Flood Risk Assessment And Drainage Management Strategy Appendices D J (pdf 3.29MB)
EN39k Moss Lane Flood Risk Assessment And Drainage Management Strategy Appendix K (pdf 5.87MB)
EN39l O Moss Lane Flood Risk Assessment And Drainage Management Strategy Appendices L O (pdf 7.75MB)
EN39p S Moss Lane Flood Risk Assessment And Drainage Management Strategy Appendices P S (pdf 1.62MB)
EN40 Site Flood Risk Assessment For Site MN21 (pdf 1.81MB)
EN41 Site Flood Risk Assessment For Site MN248 Land North Of Formby Industrial Estate (pdf 6.74MB)
EN42 Flood Risk Investigation Report Of 24 September 2012 Borough Wide Floods (pdf 5.97MB)
EN43 MN212 Brackenway Flood Modelling Appraisal 07 12 2015 (pdf 3.42MB)
EN44 Email Regarding Air Quality At A59 In Old Roan (pdf 124KB)
EN45 Potential Impact Of Predation Of Sand Lizard By Cats (pdf 38KB)
EN46 Lancs Wildlife Trust Comments Water Voles MN248 Land N Of Formby Industrial Estate (pdf 281KB)





OP1 Green Space Strategy SMBC April 2009 (pdf 2.58MB)
OP2 Green Space And Recreation Study SMBC November 2009 (pdf 3.46MB)
OP3 Open Space And Recreation Study SMBC November 2015 (pdf 1.92MB)
OP4 Sefton Playing Pitch Strategy (pdf 1.34MB)

Please Note: OP.4 is the completed version of the Playing Pitch Strategy, following discussions with Sport England it was agreed that 2 sites do not constitute playing fields and are therefore outside the scope of the Strategy.

These are Former Holy Trinity School, Lonsdale Road, Formby and (Former) Rawson Road Primary School (Bootle & Netherton). They have therefore been deleted from the Strategy.

MI1 Infrastructure Delivery Plan SMBC December 2014 (pdf 1.1MB)
MI2 Viability Assessment Of The Local Plan Keppie Massie December 2014 (pdf 3.87MB)
MI2a Viability Assessment Clarifications Keppie Massie November 2015 (pdf 525KB)
MI2b Sefton Council – Note On Ageing Population And Need To Require Optional Technical Standards (pdf 91KB)
MI3 Consequences Study Of Sefton's Local Plan Options NLP May 2013 (pdf 3.71MB)
MI4 Consequences Study Update NLP October 2015 (pdf 2.02MB)
MI4a Consequences Study Oct15 Appendix 1 (pdf 6.46MB)
MI4b Consequences Study Oct15 Appendices 2-8 (pdf 1.63MB)
MI5 Table Showing Progression Of Site Numbering (pdf 356KB)
MI6 Letter From Education Dept Re Schools And Local Plan August 2015 (pdf 86KB)
MI7 Letter From United Utilities (pdf 250KB)
MI8 Letter From Sefton Ccgs Re Local Plan And Health Services (pdf 118KB)
MI9 NEW Primary Schools Admissions Booklet 2016 7 (pdf 6.12MB)
MI10 NEW Secondary Schools Admissions Booklet 2016 7 (pdf 7.2MB)
MI11 Living Well In Sefton Sefton’S Health And Wellbeing Strategy 2014 15 SMBC November 2014 (pdf 675KB)
MI12 Ministerial Statement Planning Update 25 March 2015 (pdf 160KB)
MI13 Evidence In Support Of Local Plan Policies EQ1 And EQ10 (pdf 701KB)
MI13a Evidence In Support Of Local Plan Policy EQ10 Replacing MI13 (pdf 796KB)
MI14 Merseytravel Letter Re Moss Lane Southport MN24 24 July 2015 (pdf 658KB)
MI15 Merseytravel Letter Re Land East Of Maghull MN246 24 July 2015 (pdf 633KB)
MI16 Merseytravel Letter Re Land West Of Maghull AS12 24 July 2015 (pdf 668KB)
MI17 Highways England Letter Re Development In Rimrose Valley Park 16 October 2015 (pdf 258KB)
MI18 Canal And Rivers Trust Letter Re Land West Of Maghull AS12 7 July 2015 (pdf 1.41MB)
MI19 List Of Use Classes (pdf 96KB)
MI20 New Brackenway Masterplan Site MN212 (pdf 716KB)
MI21 Henry Boot Expression Of Interest And Masterplan Site MN246 (pdf 643KB)
MI22 Site Pro Formas Completed By Landowners Or Developers (pdf 7.22MB)
MI23 Merseytravel Letter Re MN246 October 2015 (pdf 181KB)
MI24 Land East Of Maghull Masterplan Barton Willmore 2014 (pdf 1.34MB)
MI25 Obesity And The Environment Public Health England March 2014 (pdf 776KB)
MI26 Land East Maghull Route Of High Pressure Gas Main (pdf 858KB)
MI27 High Court Judgement West Berkshire DC Vs DCLG (pdf 424KB)
MI28 High Court Judgement Kings Lynn Vs SSCLG And Elm Park Holdings (pdf 157KB)
MI29 Ministerial Statement Green Belt Land 4 October 2014 CLG (pdf 335KB)
MI30 Proposed Monitoring Framework SMBC November 2015 (pdf 356KB)
MI31 High Court Judgement Gallagher Homes Vs Solihull (pdf 264KB)
MI32 IM Properties Vs Lichfield (pdf 207KB)
MI33 Email From Chair Of LCR District Planning Officers Group (pdf 55KB)
MI34 Planning Approvals On Garden Sites In Sefton Since 1 April 2008 (pdf 209KB)
MI35 Highways England Letter Re AS10 23 11 2015 (pdf 1.84MB)
MI36 United Utilities Additional Response 23 November 2015 (pdf 99KB)
MI37 Statement Of Common Ground Re Land At Edge Lane Thornton (pdf 1.72MB)
MI38 Ministry Of Defence Letter Re SR409 Land At Coastal Road Ainsdale (pdf 167KB)
MI39 Statement Of Common Ground Re Brackenway (pdf 1.47MB)
EX1 Notes Of Pre hearing meeting (pdf 127KB)
EX2 Guidance Notes For Participants (pdf 120KB)
EX3 Inspectors Matters Issues Questions (pdf 176KB)
EX4 Letter To Mr Pike Formal Request For Inclusion Of Mods (pdf 23KB)
EX5 Draft Hearings Programme V1 15 10 15 (pdf 129KB)
EX6 Inspectors Note On Programme 23 Oct 15 (pdf 52KB)
EX7 Sefton Hearings Programme V2 9 11 15 (pdf 147KB)
EX.8 Summary of identified brownfield sites in Sefton, submitted by Mr P Neild (P.137) regarding Issue 2 (pdf 357KB)
EX9 Sefton Hearings Programme Version 3 18 Nov (pdf 151KB)
EX10 West Lancashire Local Plan Allocations Within Proximity To Sefton (pdf 2.53MB)
EX11 Statement Of Common Ground Sefton Council And Minerals Products Association (pdf 98KB)
EX12 Proposed Changes Briefing Notes For Policies MN3 And MN6A (pdf 404KB)
EX13 Email Regarding Playing Pitch Status Of 2 Allocated Sites (pdf 128KB)
EX14 Sefton Hearings Programme Version 4 1 Dec (pdf 151KB)
EX15 Freedom Of Information Request Re M58 Motorway Junction 1 (pdf 47KB)

EX.16 West Lancashire Local Plan Policy Map 

EX17 Refusal Of Planning Permission And Letter Submitted By Mr C Dunn 155 (pdf 579KB)
EX18 Correspondence Between Highways Agency And MMAPP Submitted By MMAPP 601 (pdf 241KB)
EX19 Flood Risk And Surface Water Drainage Evidence SR449 Melling Lane Maghull (pdf 117KB)
EX20 Grey Water Recycling And Waste Local Plan (pdf 122KB)
EX21 AS10 Omission Site Hearing Session Additional Information Re Tanhouse Farm (pdf 221KB)
EX22 Formby Flooding Photographs Submitted On Behalf Of Formby PC 241 And FRAGOFF 740 (pdf 3.22MB)
EX23 Briefing Note MN5 Formby South (pdf 223KB)
EX24 Sefton Local Plan Hearing 10Th December 2015 Hoggs Hill Lane Response (pdf 181KB)
EX25 Progress On Infrastructure Working Group Recommendations (pdf 283KB)
EX26 NLUD Sites Analysis (pdf 282KB)
EX28 Site Plan Of Reduced Site Proposed AS29 (pdf 1.02MB)
EX29 Environment Agency Email Remn248 (pdf 210KB)
EX30 Statement Of Common Ground With Jockey Club (pdf 375KB)
EX31 Information On Canal Breaches (pdf 779KB)
EX32 Environment Agency Comments On EQ8 Incl Mods (pdf 428KB)
EX33 Potential Route Corridor Constraints Rimrose Valley (pdf 1.23MB)
EX33a Bilfinger GVA Response To Above Document (pdf 78KB)
EX34 EA Response Alt mouth pumping station (pdf 463KB)
EX35a Design And Access Statement Liverpool Rd Formby Planning Application Part1 (pdf 6.62MB)
EX35b Design And Access Statement Liverpool Rd Formby Planning Application Part2 (pdf 3.65MB)
EX36 Flood Risk Assessment Liverpool Rd Formby Planning Application (pdf 7.76MB)
EX37 Education Authority Letter Re Primary Schools In Churchtown (pdf 84KB)
EX38 FRAGOFF Objection To Planning Application At Liverpool Road (pdf 2.09MB)
EX39 Historic England Comments On Policy NH13 (pdf 168KB)
EX40 Moss Lane Clarification Of Transport Contributions (pdf 267KB)
EX41 Ainsdale High Methane Response (pdf 381KB)
EX42 Advice Note Seftons Employment Land Need (pdf 443KB)
EX43 Natural Englands Comments To Changes To PolicyED1 (pdf 220KB)
EX44 Note Of Matters Arising 24 11 15 Re Nature Policies (pdf 380KB)
EX45 Statement On 3G Pitches On Site MN249 (pdf 525KB)
EX46 Playing Pitch Strategy Position Statement Action Plan (pdf 436KB)
EX47 Appendix 3 Local Plan Monitoring UPDATED 17DEC15 (pdf 460KB)
EX48 Briefing Note On The Strategic Housing And Employment Land Market Assessment (pdf 166KB)
EX49 Adopted Highway Moss Lane Southport (pdf 201KB)
EX50 Statement On Councils Position In Regards To AS29 Shorrocks Hill (pdf 62KB)
EX51 Questions At Maghull Examination Hearings 02 12 15 (pdf 71KB)
EX52 Sefton Hearings Programme Jan2016 (pdf 75KB)
EX54 Supplementary Statement Of Peter Neild Response To EX26 (pdf 152KB)
EX55 Defra Air Quality Note Dec2015 (pdf 96KB)
EX56 Churchtown Green Belt Action Group Response To EX 40 (pdf 394KB)
EX57 Email AS17 Peel Switch Island Flooding Photographs (pdf 214KB)
EX58 Email Moss Lane Southport Flooding Photographs (pdf 147KB)
EX59 Email Proposed Bankfield Lane Development Flooding Photographs (pdf 188KB)
EX60 Allan Watson Response To EX49 (pdf 1018KB)
EX61 Email MN212 Land North Of Brackenway (pdf 239KB)
EX62 Proposed Changes To Policy Map To Reflect Recently Granted Onshore Hydrocarbon Licences (pdf 565KB)
EX63 Sefton MBC Comments On EX55 (pdf 332KB)
EX64 Flooding In Maghull And Lydiate Photographs (pdf 452KB)
EX65 Land At Shorrocks Hill Formby AS29 Statement Of Common Ground (pdf 610KB)
EX66 Email MN249 Land South Of Formby Industrial Estate (pdf 194KB)
EX67 MN24 Land At Moss Lane Supplementary Statement (pdf 193KB)
EX68 Fell View Bartons Close Statement For Local Plan Hearing (pdf 175KB)
EX69 Merseytravel Supporting Information In Repsect Of Land East Of Maghull (pdf 170KB)
EX70 Calverton PC V Nottingham CC Ors (pdf 149KB)
EX71 CPRE Revised Fig 3 Net Migration Graph (pdf 116KB)
EX72 Maghull And Lydiate Further Photographic Evidence Of Flooding Jan 2016 (pdf 1015KB)
EX73 Land To The South Of Moor Lane SR410 In Ainsdale Flooding (pdf 279KB)
EX74 Recent Flooding Incidents Since December 2015 (pdf 4.7MB)
EX75 Neil Roberts Reply To Proposed Changes For MN3 Land East Of Maghull (pdf 179KB)
EX76 Rolling 5 Year Supply Position Statement (pdf 283KB)
EX77 Ascot Property Group Response To EX50 (pdf 387KB)
EX78 Magtaggart And Mickel Homes PMM Policy MN1 (pdf 391KB)
EX79 Email Re Road Safety Issues Wyke Lane Southport (pdf 208KB)
EX80 Cllr Maria Bennet Emails Re Shorrocks Hill Site (pdf 252KB)
EX81 Thornton Parish Council MN223 And MN224 (pdf 94KB)
EX82 Natural England No Further Comment Ed1port Policy (pdf 342KB)
EX83 Photographs Moss Lane Churchtown (pdf 5.93MB)
EX84 Environment Agency Letter Jan2016 (pdf 102KB)
EX85 Policy EQ10 Maps Of Proposed Hot Food Takeaway Exclusion Zones (pdf 2.31MB)
EX86 Planning Appeal Decision Sainsburys Tower Hamlets (pdf 112KB)
EX87 Notes For 14Th January Hearing Re Lynton Rd Southport (pdf 328KB)
EX88 MN216 Liverpool Rd Formby – Note Re Single Point Of Access (pdf 38KB)
EX89 Letter Re MN210 Sandbrook Rd 21 01 16 (pdf 38KB)
EX90 Letter To Inspector Brackenway Formby 220116 (pdf 226KB)
EX91 Morris Homes Response To MN216 Liverpool Rd Formby – Note Re Single Point Of Access (pdf 139KB)
EX92 MN241 Sport England Comments 20160129 (pdf 503KB)
EX93 Formby Viability Submission With Appendixpdf Final 1216 (pdf 604KB)
EX94 Impact Of Housing Restraint Policy 2003 (pdf 525KB)
EX95 Briefing Note Land South Of Formby IE (pdf 230KB)
EX97 ACWT Note Re Site MN28 (pdf 118KB)
EX98 Visibility Splays For Liverpool Road Access (pdf 234KB)
EX99 FRAG Response To EX93 Viability Study (pdf 286KB)
EX100 MEAS Note Re Site MN28 (pdf 138KB)
EX101 WYG Response To Inspectors Retail Comments (pdf 200KB)
EX102 Sefton Local Plan - Inspectors initial Findings (pdf 98KB)
EX103 Ellandi LLP Response to ED2 Modifications in LP.36 (pdf 341KB)
EX.104 Aviva Investors Pensions Ltd Response to ED2 Modifications in LP.36 (pdf 687KB)
EX105 Aintree Retail Park Ltd Response to ED2 Modifications in LP.36 (pdf 190KB)
EX106 SMBC Response To Retail Comments (pdf 328KB)
EX107 Inspector's Initial Findings - Retail Matters (pdf 60KB)
EX108 Note On Status Of Policies Map (pdf 20KB)
EX109 2014 Based Household Projections Note (pdf 83KB)


The documents in this section of the Examination Library relate to the Reconvened Hearings (November 2016) and have been added since 12 September 2016. There are earlier documents elsewhere in the Examination Library that also relate to the sites which are due to be discussed at the November 2016 hearings.   

EX110 Note from Inspector – New Examination Hearing (pdf 64KB)
EX111 New Examination Hearing Agenda (pdf 33KB)
EX112 Inspectors Note MN216 Liverpool Road Formby (pdf 42KB)
EX113 Supplementary Note Re Post MM Hearing (pdf 43KB)
EX114 AGENDA 19 Wednesday 2 November 2016 (pdf 47KB)
EX109 2014 Based Household Projections Note (pdf 83KB)
EX115 TP 0009 Order St Lukes Church Road Formby Text (pdf 1.42MB)
EX116 TP 0009 Plans St Lukes Church Road Formby Plan (pdf 681KB)
EX117 TP 0260 Order Andplan Land At Shorrocks Hill Lifeboat Road And Land At St Lukes Church Road Formby (pdf 134KB)
EX118 TP 0260 Shorrocks Hill And St Lukes Church Road Formby Statement Of Grounds (pdf 9KB)
EX119 Note Re Policy HC1 And Vacant Building Credit (pdf 83KB)
EX120 Land North Of Formby Industrial Estate Letter From Seddon Construction Ltd 12 Oct 2016 (pdf 4.6MB)
EX121 Shorrocks Hill Statement of Common Ground October 2016 Final (pdf 396KB)
EX122 Land North Of Formby Industrial Estate Letter From Seddon Construction Ltd 31 Oct 2016 (pdf 1.68MB)
EX123 Formby Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Draft (pdf 5.24MB)
EX124 Email Re Liverpool Road Access And Heritage (pdf 88KB)
EX125 Sefton Eip And The Liverpool City Region SHELMA Update (pdf 148KB)
EX126 Inspectors Note Findings From November 2016 Hearings (pdf 105KB)
EX127 Planning Appeal Decision Sainsburys Meols Cop Retail Dec2016 (pdf 978KB)
EX128 Note Re Formby Employment Allocation And NP Process (pdf 498KB)
EX129 Inspectors Note Re Formby Employment Allocation 26Jan17 (pdf 222KB)



Last Updated on Tuesday, August 31, 2021

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