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Recreation Mitigation Strategy

Recreation Mitigation Scheme


Liverpool City Region and West Lancashire Recreation Mitigation on the Coast Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Scoping Report

The Councils in the Liverpool City Region (Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton and Wirral) and West Lancashire Borough Council are jointly preparing a Recreation Mitigation on the Coast Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), in partnership with Natural England and the National Trust. 

Recreation mitigation on the coast is a process to reduce harm arising from new housing development due to more people visiting the coastal internationally important nature sites. It is a strategic response to avoid and mitigate harm.   The need for recreation mitigation has been identified in the adopted or emerging Local Plans of the Councils listed above.

The Recreation Mitigation at the Coast SPD will set out what proposals applicants for certain new developments will have to do to meet the requirements of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) (the Habitats Regulations) regarding recreation pressure on the Coast of the Liverpool City Region. 

Consultation is underway on the scope and content of the Recreation Mitigation at the Coast SPD. This consultation runs until 8 a.m. on Monday 9th October 2023.  The Scoping Report is set out below.

This scoping consultation is the first step in preparing the SPD.  Following this, officers will review your comments, which will to inform the preparation of a draft SPD.  This will then be consulted on again, with these responses again informing the final version of the SPD before it is adopted by all the Councils.  Once adopted, this SPD will replace the Interim Approaches to recreation mitigation  (SPD and Information Notes) of Sefton, Halton, Liverpool and Wirral Councils.   

How can I find out more?

You can view the Scoping Report by clicking here

You can view a map showing the participating Councils by clicking here

How to comment

Send written comments to:

By post to RMS Scoping Consultation, Merseyside EAS, The Barn, Court Hey Park, Roby Road, Huyton, Merseyside, L16 3NA

Email us at rmsconsultations@sefton.gov.uk

It would be helpful if you use the comment form which you can find by clicking here

The consultation will run until 8 a.m. on Monday 9th October 2023


Personal Data

For all of the above, your personal data will only be used as part of the statutory planning duties of Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton, Wirral and West Lancashire Councils.  Comments may be published and made available for others to see and copy although we will not publish your personal name or contact details.

For more personal data information please see:

Halton - Data Protection (halton.gov.uk)

Knowsley - Data protection | Knowsley Council

Liverpool - Privacy notice - Liverpool City Council

St Helens - Your data rights - St Helens Borough Council

Sefton - www.sefton.gov.uk/PlanningGDPR

Wirral - Data Protection Policy | wirral.gov.uk

West Lancashire – UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - West Lancashire Borough Council (westlancs.gov.uk)


Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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