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Selective and Additional (HMO) Licensing Schemes 2023-2028

Since March 2018, Sefton Council has had a Selective Licensing scheme for private landlords in the Bootle area.

There is also another licensing scheme which is called ‘Additional (HMO) Licensing which is only for houses of multiple occupancy (rented to at least three people, who are not part of the same family) for privately rented property situated in parts of Seaforth, Waterloo, Brighton-le-Sands and central Southport.

Sefton Council introduced Licensing in March 2018 and has used the scheme to improve the management of privately rented properties, including the removal of over 3,000 serious health and safety hazards from licensed properties. These have included fire safety, electrical hazards, damp & mould and excess cold. The vast majority of cases are resolved informally by us working with the landlord, but the Council has used formal enforcement powers where necessary.

This has resulted in improved living conditions for their tenants as well as improvements for the wider areas, such as reduced anti-social behaviour.  Further details can be found in the background papers below.

By extending the scheme for a further five years Sefton Council aims to build on this success and bring about further benefits for landlords, tenants and those communities.


Consultation Feedback and Council Decision

After a three-month consultation which ended on 31st July 2022 and the positive responses received which can be found in the Consultation Feedback Report below, Sefton Council is extending both its successful Selective and Additional (HMO) Licensing schemes for private rented homes until February 2028.

Consultation Feedback Report On Selective And Additional (HMO) Housing Licensing In Sefton (pdf 1.46MB)
Written Response Feedback (pdf 227KB)
Summary Of Counsultation Of Re Designation Of Selective Licencing (pdf 1.42MB)
Summary Of Counsultation Of Re Designation Of Additional (HMO) Licencing (pdf 1.41MB)

You can find the Public Legal Notices for the extension of the schemes below.


Background documents

You can use the following links to find: 

 Further reading

Business Case for Selective & Additional (HMO) Licensing 2023 – 2028


  1. Selective Licensing Designated Area - Bootle
  2. Selective Licensing Conditions
  3. Additional Licensing - Designated Areas, Southport, Seaforth & Waterloo
  4. Additional (HMO) Licensing Conditions
  5. Selective & Additional HMO Licensing Case Studies
  6. Fit and Proper Person Policy
  7. Civil Penalty Policy
  8. Risk Analysis of Introducing Licensing Schemes across designated areas and mitigating measures
  9. Requirements for the Designation of an Area for Selective Licensing.
  10. Equality Impact Assessment


Further information

If you want to be updated on the proposed housing licensing schemes, you can contact 

Last Updated on Monday, October 14, 2024

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