In July 2019 Sefton Council declared a Climate Emergency.
In declaring a Climate Emergency, it was agreed that:
Sefton Council is committed to reducing carbon emissions and resolves to go further than the UK100 Agreement (learn more about this here) and to act in line with the scientific consensus that we must reduce emissions to net zero by 2030, and therefore commits to:
- Make the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030
- Ensure that all strategic decisions are in line with a shift to zero carbon by 2030
- Achieve 100% clean energy across Sefton Council’s full range of functions by 2030
Sefton Climate Emergency Strategy
Following the declaration, a strategy document has been developed to provide the basis from which future plans will develop and represents the Council’s commitment to taking action.
The strategy sets out seven key principles which make up our climate acronym. The principles will guide our actions and future activities:
Carbon Reduction
The full strategy is available to read: Sefton Climate Emergency Strategy
Climate Emergency Action Plan
Following approval of the strategy, a Climate Emergency Action Plan has been developed setting out our actions in response to the Climate Emergency.
The Action Plan covers three 3-year phases to align with the Council’s financial planning cycle (shown below). This provides us with the opportunity to review and revise our approach as opportunities arise.
Phase 1 2020 – 2023;
Phase 2 2023 – 2026;
Phase 3 2026 -2029.
Read our implementation plan
Climate Emergency Action Plan Phase 1 Final | (word 1.15MB) |
Climate Emergency Action Plan Phase 2 | (word 428KB) |
Annual Reports
In our strategy, we commit to producing an Annual Report in every July to update on our work towards our 2030 target.
Read our latest annual report 2022-23