Due to staff sickness, all booked appointments for The Atkinson have been cancelled for Monday and Tuesday of this week.

One Stop Shops

Schools and Southport Eco Centre

Southport Park & Ride Is No Longer Operational

As of April 1st, 2024 Sefton Council ceased operation of its Park and Ride service after a significant decline in users. The ‘parking’ element of the service, based at the Esplanade, will remain as a pay and display car park and over 1,000 cars will still be able to use the site while they go about their business in the town and on the Seafront


Schools in Sefton have access to a programme of support under Eco savers which is a service designed to assist schools to reduce their utility use (Gas, electric, water) as well as educating them on topics around energy, carbon, water and climate change. The package helps schools to:

  • Have an increased awareness of energy and water efficiency issues as well as climate change and the climate emergency; 
  • Have specific ideas on how they can reduce energy and water use and costs, become more efficient and get involved with climate action;
  • Monitor energy and water use and identify areas of wastage;  
  • Link into the National Curriculum (for pupils);
  • Integrate energy and water efficiency activities as well as climate change activities into your everyday practice. 

Schools are able to access:

  • Site audits to identify areas of action under the banners of energy, water and climate change;  
  • Information on funding that may be available to help you to implement energy & water efficiency improvements;  
  • Education in the form of assemblies, workshops and bespoke training including the topics of energy, water and climate change to support a whole school approach;
  • Access to a portfolio of supporting information on the web.  

Also linked to Eco Savers is:

  • The Eco Savers League Table - The Eco Savers league looks at environmental issues, a school’s Carbon emissions and the energy rating of the school building. The league encourages and rewards work on a variety of environmental topics;
  • The Big Green Envelope -an online pack of environmental information sent out to all schools and some community groups each term. It contains lots of useful information about what is happening in your community and any support/advice available.

For more information or to get in touch please email: climate@sefton.gov.uk  

Eco Centre

Since 2004 the council has run a dedicated environmental learning centre, the Eco Centre, offering learning opportunities for Sefton residents and school children from across the city region.

This is an area where the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority believe Sefton are leading. Their ‘Pathway to Net Zero Report’ sets out that - “Sefton Council are leading on engagement with younger people, led by the innovative Eco Centre, with specialist resources for climate education.”

Last year the teaching staff delivered climate related education to over 4,000 school children. They have also continued to develop 'Clear Air Crew' – a curriculum linked resource to raise awareness of air quality issues and promote positive action and behaviour change. The resource has been recognised beyond the city region as leading the way in this area and has secured funding from other local authorities to continues its development, thus continuing to benefit schools in Sefton already signed up through access to new resources and interactive features. The teaching staff have also been invited to sit on the Westminster Commission for Road Air Quality Air Health Working Party due to the success of the resource.

In 2022 a new Immersive room was launched at the centre and has opened up wider opportunities for more direct community engagement and to promote the council’s key message pertaining to climate to our residents.

For more information about this work and the various projects the team manage, including access to free resources, visit www.southportecocentre.com

Last Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024

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