If you are a parent/carer of year 6 children who are due to transfer to secondary school in September 2025, make sure to apply for their secondary school by 31st October 2024

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Getting Enhanced Support

Crisis Care Team – Provides mental health support to children and young people experiencing a mental health crisis as well as their families and professionals involved in their care. The team can be phoned 24/7. 

To implement School Attendance Orders via courts if families refuse to educate their children 

To implement School Attendance Orders via courts if Elective Home Education is inadequate or non-existent 

Support and advise to families who attend the Family Wellbeing Centres is available to parents with children 11+.  

Legal intervention via courts following unsuccessful voluntary measures. In the form of Education Supervision Orders 

The YJS works with children who are sentenced at court having committed an offence. This may be an order served in the community or in custody. Extensive assessments and risk management processes are delivered with an associated plan to reduce offending, protect the child, and protect others. 

  • Youth Justice - Effective engagement with young people that normally have multiple barriers to accessing our services. This allows swift identification of those barriers and is evidenced through a strong partnership approach between statutory services and Career Connect. linking with schools to plan for EET outcomes - Link workers.  
  • SEND – supporting SEND young people with an EHCP and or High Need Funding: (From Year 9 to Year 14) – there is a team of SEND advisers working closely with schools/colleges and the L.A. statutory assessment team to support work the council undertake in relation to young people with an EHCP or HNF and their transitions. Attending annual reviews  - specialist staff  
  • Risk Of NEET support from Year 9 to reengage in learning and plan for post 16 progression – attending, participating and where appropriate co-ordinating transition plans. Sefton NEET Reduction and Early Intervention Service Career Connect 

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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