You can find all Local Election results in Sefton here

Sefton Local Election results


Transition to High School.

Joining a new school can be a daunting, yet exciting experience. In Year 5/6 Open Evening’s from local High Schools will be available. Make sure to attend these schools so that you can have a look around the school and this will give you an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. In most schools, it is common practice to offer transition days. These usually take place in the summer term and give you the opportunity to visit the school during the day and take part in a series of lessons.

All admissions for a secondary school place need to go through the Local Authority in which you live.

If you are a Sefton resident, you can find out further information on school admissions.

Choosing your options

You will choose your option subjects at the end of Key Stage 3. These should be informed choices taking into account your interests and the views of your teachers. There are a range of qualifications available in most schools. Common examples include both GCSE and BTEC courses (vocational courses).

Make sure you:

  • Know when the options evening is and attend alongside your parent/carer
  • Discuss course suitability with your teacher or a careers advisor


CEIAG Timeline (word 25KB)


Enhanced careers support

Career Connect are our Local Authority Commissioned Information Advice and Guidance, Early Intervention and NEET Reduction Service.

We as a Virtual School recognise that Cared for and Care Experienced young people can face additional barriers to learning and progression post 16.

So, in addition to the statutory offer young people get from school regarding careers advice, we have qualified staff from Career Connect who go into school (or visit you at home)

Our young people from year 9 onwards receive the following:

-A career meeting to explain what options are available

-raise aspirations where necessary

-ensure they are receiving all the support for their progression to ensure they make a successful transitions. This involves meeting with schools and other agencies to make sure a progression pathway is clear.

Useful links to help with emotional health and wellbeing 


Last Updated on Wednesday, June 7, 2023

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