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Sefton Ways to Work ILM Programme

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority has been successful in securing funding for its most vulnerable and workless residents from the European Social Fund. This is an exciting new programme giving businesses an opportunity to enhance their workforce by offering funded jobs to local unemployed and workless residents. This provides a positive impact on our local communities and valuable work experience to those who would benefit most.

The aim of the Sefton Ways to Work ILM Programme is to offer financial grants to employers to create jobs that support the recruitment and employment of residents currently not in employment, education and/or training (NEET).  Jobs of this nature are known as Intermediate Labour Market (ILM) opportunities and give assistance to your existing workforce. Grants will be paid directly to employers who can demonstrate business growth and who can offer an employment opportunity(s) exceeding a period of 6 months (Grant is for 6 months only).  The Grant will be paid monthly in arrears and on receipt of compliant evidence.

Eligibility for Employer:

To be eligible to receive the grant the business must ensure that they sign to confirm that they meet the following criteria:

  • Have fewer than 250 employees (in exceptional circumstances it may be possible to deal with companies with more than 250 employees)
  •  That the turnover of the business must not exceed €50 million p.a. (approximately £40 million) or its annual balance sheet total  should not exceed €42 million (approximately £34 million)
  • Have not received more  than €200,000 in State Aid (under De Minimis Regulations) over a rolling 3 year period
  • Show commitment to offer employment to the participant after the grant period has finished
  • That the wage for the ILM job must be at least National Minimum Wage (NMW)[1] for age
  • That the job opportunity must be for a minimum of 35 hours per week and last for at least 26 weeks
  • Demonstrate that the ILM Job has community benefit or is in a growth sector

Eligibility for Employee:

  • Between the ages of 16 – 29 as these jobs will be part funded by the Youth Employment Initiative and therefore subject to these funding restrictions.  It may be possible to employ someone outside this range but alternative funding will apply and this will only be by agreement with Sefton@Work.
  • Is a Sefton resident
  • Unemployed, not engaged in education or training and have left compulsory education
  • Registered with Sefton@Work

How to Apply for a Grant

Stage 1 – Expression of Interest

If you would like to participate, you will need to download and complete the Expression of Interest Form (EOI Stage 1) below and email it to Julia.shakeshaft@sefton.gov.uk. Once you have returned this EOI Stage 1 it will be reviewed and appraised. Subject to a satisfactory appraisal, you will be sent a Stage 2 application.

The EOI will be judged on the commitment to the sustainability of the position. Furthermore, priority will be given to employers who can offer opportunities for vulnerable participants leaving local care (care leaver) and also for those employers currently committed to paying the National Living Wage.

Stage 2 – Full Application

An Information Pack and Stage 2 application form will be sent out. This will explore in more detail how the ILM will work and confirm the Job Description and support requirements in order for a formal decision and any subsequent contract offer to be made. Once all of the initial paperwork is completed you will be allocated an Employment Liaison Officer (ELO)from Sefton@Work who will contact you to arrange a meeting to check that the relevant paperwork has been completed satisfactory prior to it being formally evaluated.

Stage 3 – Panel Evaluation

Formal evaluation of the Full Application will take place via a Panel to ensure compliance and eligibility. If successful, a formal contract offer will be made. We will contact you to support you in your recruitment process and, once an eligible participant has been offered a formal offer of employment, a contract will be drawn up and sent to you for agreement.

For further information regarding the application process please contact Julia.shakeshaft@sefton.gov.uk or telephone 0151 934 3406

Postal applications can be sent to:
Julia Shakeshaft, Sefton Council, Magdalen House, Trinity Road, Bootle L20 3NJ

Ways to Work ILM Programme - Guide For Employers (pdf 387KB)
Ways to Work ILM Programme - Expression of Interest form (word 138KB)

Supported by Youth Employment Initiative, European Union Social Fund, Youth Employment Gateway, Sefton Council and Liverpool City Region

Last Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024

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