This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people

Adult Safeguarding

Sefton Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board. Care. Protect. Respond.


Sefton Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (SSAPB)

SSAPB is a statutory body with a strategic responsibility to work with its Members and partners to protect and support adults with care and support needs from abuse, neglect and self-neglect in Sefton.

To enable Sefton to be a safe place for everyone, the Board and its Members will work together to:

  • Prevent abuse, neglect and self-neglect
  • Provide timely and proportionate response to abuse, neglect and self-neglect
  • Promote awareness and understanding of safeguarding adults
  • Ensure safeguarding practice is person-centered and outcome focused
  • Ensure continual development of safeguarding practice and arrangements across Sefton

Sefton Safeguarding Adults Board aims to promote awareness and understanding of abuse and neglect among service users, carers, professionals, care providers and the wider community.

It works to generate community interest and engagement in safeguarding to ensure that ‘safeguarding is everyone’s business’

Visit their website at


SSAPB partner agencies include senior representatives from:

  • Sefton Council 
  • Merseyside Police 
  • Merseyside Fire and Rescue 
  • North West Ambulance Service 
  • Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board 
  • Liverpool University Foundation Trust 
  • West Lancs and Mersey Teaching Hospital 
  • Sefton CVS 
  • The Carers Centre 
  • Healthwatch Sefton 
  • North West Probation Services 
  • Public Health 
  • Mersey Care Foundation Trust 

SSAPB is a multi-agency strategic partnership and not part of Sefton Council however Sefton is one of the statutory funding partners and does host the Business Unit



SSAPB has an established structure which contains four main pillars to deliver the Board’s Workplan to enable our priorities to be achieved.

These pillars are:

  • Communication and inclusion for all
  • Prevention and early intervention
  • Learning through development and quality assurance activity
  • SSAB development and governmence

Sefton Safeguarding Adults Board are Members of Merseyside Safeguarding Adults Review Subgroup along with colleagues from across statutory services and other key agencies.



The Board has three core duties which it must undertake:

  • Develop and publish a Strategic Plan setting out how we will meet our Objectives, how our members and partner agencies will contribute to the Board
  • Publish an Annual Report detailing how effective their work has been, what work we have undertaken, describing challenges we faced and what our priorities will be for the coming year
  • Commission and arrange Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) for concerns which meet the criteria outlined in the Care and Support Statutory Guidance


Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs)

Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) are a statutory duty under s44 of the Care Act 2014 for Safeguarding Adult Boards to undertake.

A SAR is considered and arranged when:

  • An adult dies as a result of abuse or neglect, whether known or suspected, and there is concern that partner agencies could have worked more effectively to protect the adult.
  • An adult is still alive but has experienced serious neglect or abuse and there is concern that partner agencies could have worked more effectively to protect the adult.

A Safeguarding Adult Review is undertaken, and a SAR Report compiled written by a commissioned independent person, identified as having the necessary specialist skills and knowledge, pertaining to the characteristics of the SAR.  

All involved agencies make active contributions to the review, resulting in production of a Report. 

The content of the Report contains Recommendations for consideration by Sefton Safeguarding Adults Board Members.  Once accepted the Recommendations are converted into a multi-agency Action Plan which is implemented and monitored by the Board and the relevant Subgroup and Board to ensure improvements are made and learning is embedded.

The purpose of having an SAR is not to reinvestigate or to apportion blame. It is an opportunity to derive learning for all agencies involved and to make positive changes to practices in the future.


North West Safeguarding Adults Policy (pdf 1.12MB)
Sefton Safeguarding Adults Procedures (pdf 1.27MB)
Safeguarding And Pressure Ulcers Sefton Guidance Aug 2019 (pdf 1.1MB)
North West Pipot Policy - June 2019 (pdf 894KB)
Sefton-Hoarding And Self-Neglect Protocol (pdf 1.12MB)
MARAM PROCESS Latest (pdf 665KB)
Safeguarding Flowchart (pdf 169KB)
Safeguarding Adults Review Referral Form (DO NOT USE to report a safeguarding concern) (word 306KB)
Management of Stage 4 Contacts (word 39KB)
Management of Stage 5 Contacts (word 41KB)
Sefton Pipot Practice Guidance (pdf 1.27MB)
Organisational Abuse Policy (pdf 917KB)
Reporting Abuse Booklet (pdf 290KB)
SSAB Strategic Plan 22 23 (word 194KB)


Last Updated on Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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