This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people

Success Stories

Our service aims to help all clients grow in confidence, source vacancies and opportunities that are right for them and prepare a journey plan that is designed with their specific needs in mind, to help them progress towards their ultimate goal.

We are thrilled to announce that JETS Centre is the first employer to sign Sefton@Work's new Employer Partnership Agreement!

Led by Manager Carolyn Lloyd, JETS provide invaluable wrap-around childcare services in Sefton. This agreement, endorsed by Sefton Council Chief Executive Phil Porter, reflects JETS' unwavering commitment to social value in our community as a cherished local employer, as well as Sefton@Work's appreciation. 

By partnering with Sefton@Work (SMBC's job-brokerage service) for recruitment, JETS gains access to a suite of support services including assistance from a designated Employer Liaison Officer, prioritised vacancy promotion, and advanced candidate pre-screening. Moreover, prior to recruitment, both employers and applicants benefit from our Careers Information Advice & Guidance service, and post-recruitment, from our In-Work-Support offer. 

Together with JETS, we eagerly anticipate a long and mutually beneficial partnership that will positively impact Sefton's economy, society, and environment. 🌱 Let's make a difference, together!

Pictured, JETS Centre Manger, Carolyn Lloyd, and new employee, Sefton@Work client, Marisete.


Sefton@Work shortlisted for Social Mobility Award

Congratulations to the incredible team at Sefton@Work for their well-deserved nomination for the Inclusive Awards Social Mobility Project Award! 

At Sefton@Work, the client is not just a part of our service; they are at the very heart of it! The dedication of the team to promoting social mobility is truly inspiring, and this recognition is well deserved for everyone's outstanding efforts.

What a fantastic announcement just before National Inclusion Week.

Pride Liverpool 

Sefton@Work was proud to join colleagues from across Sefton Council, on Saturday to march at Pride in Liverpool.

Speakers addressed the crowd at St Georges Hall, highlighting the importance of Pride, and why it's needed more than ever. Although its a celebration of the progress made towards LGBTQIA+ equality, it’s also an acknowledgement of how much there is still to do.

If you know anyone that is unemployed and needs support to access employment and training opportunities, or a local business that is seeking to recruit new staff, please get in touch with Sefton@Work on 0151 934 2610 to see how we can help them.

Supporting Clients with Health Conditions

A recent client, who had learning disabilities was supported by Sefton@Work and found employment with the help of staff advocating on his behalf. Unfortunately, he became unemployed again twice due to business closures.

Despite setbacks, Sefton@Work remained dedicated to supporting this client, working to rebuild his confidence and find him another role at a smaller local retail outlet. They offered him reassurance and boosted his confidence at a time he needed it most. However, due to his disability, he struggled to receive adequate training, which had a negative impact on his mental health and wellbeing and was let go for a third time.

Sefton@Work built a relationship with the employer and convinced them to re-employ him with continued support and guidance from the service.

It is inspiring to see how Sefton@Work has been able to support individuals like this who are facing challenges in finding and maintaining employment due to disabilities.

Staff at Sefton@Work worked tirelessly to advocate on their clients behalf, communicating their personal circumstances and barriers to potential employers.

Feedback from the employer is that this client is progressing well.

Job Success for Rima

Rima registered with Sefton@Work in August 2022. At the time of registration, she was unemployed and claiming JSA. Originally from Lithuania, Rima had a good level of English and Maths and over 10 years’ experience of working in production, however she felt she wanted a change of career.

During one-to-one advice and guidance sessions with Sefton@Work, she disclosed that she felt her lack of experience in different sectors and childcare cover was a barrier to her gaining employment. She expressed an interest to take on some voluntary work to develop her experience in an admin job role, and Sefton@Work sourced some opportunities for her. This included potential SMBC apprenticeships and a voluntary placement at Sefton CAB. 

Sefton@Work also contacted local training providers to enquire about training to enhance Rima’s skills, including ECDL and Beginners MS Office to giver her an advantage in her search for work. Her Adviser revised Rima’s CV and with their support she was successful in gaining the voluntary placement at Sefton CAB; they also supported Rima in enrolling on an online IT course through a local college. Sefton@Work continued to support Rima and sourced several potential vacancies for her to apply to. This included a vacancy within a new start up business in Sefton, that they felt Rima would be an ideal candidate for.

Rima attended an open day to learn more about the vacancies on offer, and Sefton@Work conducted a pre-screening interview with her on behalf of the employer. Following the submission of her CV and pre-screening results to the employer, Rima was called for a formal interview and Sefton@Work was delighted when she was offered a job. The position is perfect for her, as it fits around her childcare needs

Check out our website for further news stories and updates

Last Updated on Thursday, February 8, 2024

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