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Social Housing in Sefton

Since 2006, there was a large scale voluntary transfer of all Sefton Council’s social housing to One Vision.

Sefton Council still has a public law duty to accept applications from any member of the public, for an allocation of social rented housing and must hold a housing register.

Since 2012 the Council has been part of the Merseyside sub regional social housing allocations scheme known as Property Pool Plus.

Sefton Council has a number of nomination agreements in place with Registered Providers of Social Housing with stock in the borough, which allows people who have applied to the Council for an allocation of social rented housing, to be allocated an available property.

Social housing stock


Property Pool Plus

The common Choice Based Lettings and Allocations Policy for the 5 participating Local Authorities – Sefton, Halton, Liverpool, Wirral and Knowsley is known under the term Property Pool Plus (PPP). PPP is a partnership between the five local housing authorities plus numerous Registered Providers of social housing. PPP provides a common procedure and approach to allocating social rented housing, using a choice-based method to let homes.

Sefton Council commission One Vision Housing (OVH) to perform the ‘Housing Agency’ services; to manage the social housing register, manage the Council’s social housing allocations policy and it’s nominations arrangements with Registered Providers of social housing.

If you want to join the housing register you can contact the Property Pool Plus Admin Team, at One Vision Housing:

  • By email at
  • By phone 0300 365 1111, 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday
  • By post to Property Pool Plus, One Vision Housing, PO Box 891, ORPINGTON, BR6 1LY


Property Pool Plus Logo

Last Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024

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