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Emergency planning

Sefton Council aims to protect people, property and the environment from the effects of emergencies through
• Risk Assessment
• Planning for Emergency Response and Recovery
• Working with partner agencies

Our key objective is to minimize disruption and support the local community to return the situation to normality in the shortest time possible.

Risk Assessment

Sefton Council, along with its partners in the Merseyside Resilience Forum have developed the Merseyside Community Risk Register. This document meets the requirements placed upon the Category 1 responders under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. 

Business Continuity Plan

These type of plans are developed to ensure the Council is able to continue to prioritise and deliver key services in the event of unforeseen disruption to normal daily business.

Merseyside Prepared

Merseyside Local Resilience Forum has launched the Merseyside Prepared website offering advice and assistance to Merseyside residents and visitors.

Planning for emergencies

Sefton Council is a category 1 responder, under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (CCA). As such it has similar responsibilities to the police, ambulance and fire services, in the case of an emergency.

Sefton Council's Risk and Resilience Service review and develop the plans and processes necessary to ensure the Council is able to meet it’s Category 1 responder duties and responsibilities under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.  We work in collaboration with other Merseyside partners (including the Voluntary and Faith Sector) and the Council’s internal departments and services to develop a range of generic, incident and location specific plans.

What We Plan For

Some examples of our top local risks from the Community risk register are;

  • Severe weather conditions and flooding
  • Fuel shortages
  • Large scale electricity / power outage
  • Threat to public health such as E coli, or pandemic 'flu/avian 'flu/swine 'flu and other communicable diseases
  • Maritime Incidents

There are also generic themes that we plan for such as;

  • Mass evacuation and shelter 
  • Humanitarian support and assistance for displaced people and those affected by incidents
  • Site clearance

Last Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024

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