If you are a parent/carer of year 6 children who are due to transfer to secondary school in September 2025, make sure to apply for their secondary school by 31st October 2024

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Admission to primary school outside of normal age group including 'Summer Born' children

In Sefton, all schools provide for the admission of children in the September following their fourth birthday and most parents/carers are happy for their child to start school at this point. By law, a child is not required to start full time education until the child has reached compulsory school age. Most children will thrive if they are admitted into reception class aged four.

However, some parents/carers may be concerned that their child is not ready for school at that age. Sefton encourages all parents/carers who may be considering delaying their child’s admission until they reach compulsory school age, to visit the schools they wish to apply for. The school can explain the provision on offer in reception class and how it is tailored to meet the needs of the youngest children, and any other support that may be available for their child.

Summer born children – children with dates of birth on/between 1st April & 31st August

Parents/carers of ‘summer born children’ can, if they wish, make a decision that their child will not start school until the September after their fifth birthday, a full year after they could have first started school.

For further information about children starting primary school outside of their normal age group please see our ‘Advice guide for parents’ below.

Parent advice starting primary school outside normal age group (pdf 303KB)

Parents/carers must make a request for a child to start school in reception year, outside of their normal age group. The application form is available to download below.

Primary Admission outside of normal age group request form (pdf 201KB)

The full Policy for the admission of children starting primary school outside of their normal age group can be found on the School Admission Policy & Reports page.

Last Updated on Friday, August 30, 2024

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