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Netherton Library

Netherton Library is a warm and welcoming community space for all, based inside the Netherton Activity Centre. A short walk from the Marion Square, we have friendly staff on hand to help with your queries. We have a good selection of books for all ages, free computer access and access to a range of other digital services.

For families, we host a weekly story-time/sensory play session and a family board game club on Saturday mornings. We also have a range of activities available during school holidays. Reading groups meet monthly in branch and we also provide home deliveries to housebound residents.

So if you’re passing by, why not pop in and say hello – we’re looking forward to seeing you!

exterior shot of netherton library Netherton Library interior

Opening Hours Contact Details
Monday: 10am-9pm
Tuesday: 10am-9pm
Wednesday: 10am-9pm
Thursday: 10am-9pm
Friday: 10am-9pm
Saturday: 10am-1pm
Sunday: CLOSED

Netherton Library
Glover's Lane
L30 3TL

0151 525 0607


Story & Rhymetime
Wednesday, 10:30am

Games Club
Saturday, 10:30-12:30pm
No booking required - suitable for children and adults

Adult Reading Groups
Monthly on Friday, 10:30am or 2pm - contact the library for more information




Last Updated on Friday, October 18, 2024

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