This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people

Why have I been sent a sundry debtor invoice?

Sundry Debtor Invoices are issued in respect of a large range of council services, such as:

  • Building Control Inspection Fees
  • Ground and Chief rents
  • Hire of facilities for leisure centres, education and libraries
  • Home care and Residential Accommodation Charges
  • Daycare Transport Costs 
  • Housing Benefit Overpayments
  • Licence Fees
  • Lifeline charges
  • Market Rents
  • Overpaid Fostering and Nursery Fees
  • Rental of Allotment sites
  • Road Closures
  • Security Alarms and Maintenance Fees
  • Trade waste collection and skip hire
  • Traffic Accident Street Repairs
  • Wage/Salary Overpayments
  • Work in default charges

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 31, 2021

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