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Street collection permits

This type of activity is covered by the Police, Factories etc (Misc. Provisions) Act, 1916 (as amended by section 251 and Schedule 29 to the Local Government Act 1972).

Persons wishing to make a collection on behalf of a Charitable cause in a street or public place require a Street Collection permit to do so from us.

There is no fee charged for this Service.

We aim to complete this type of application within 28 days.

Tacit authorisation applies to this service; this means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from us by the end of the target completion period. Please note that this will only apply for applications that are submitted electronically via the Point of Single Contact (PSC) or where the business can show proof of delivery from a post office or recognised courier.

The following criteria is used for assessing applications and granting permits:

  1. The organisation is a registered charity.
  2. The charitable organisation is Sefton based, the proceeds of the collection will directly benefit Sefton.
  3. The charitable organisation is a national charity, which have a branch based in Sefton, the proceeds of the collection will benefit Sefton.
  4. The charitable organisation is a national charity, the proceeds of the collection will benefit Sefton.
  5. The charitable organisation is Sefton based, the proceeds of the collection will benefit nationally or internationally.
  6. The charitable organisation is a national charity, the proceeds of the collection will benefit nationally or internationally.

A maximum number of 10 collectors will be permitted to undertake any street collection in any of the areas identified.

Permits are usually granted for Fridays and Saturdays only

The following areas are approved as points at which street collections may be held within the Borough of Sefton.

  • Southport Lord Street, Between the Junctions of Nevill Street and Eastbank Street, and Chapel Street.
  • Formby Duke Street or Chapel Lane.
  • Crosby Moor Lane.
  • Waterloo South Road.
  • Bootle Stanley Road by Strand Shopping Centre.
  • Netherton Marian Square.
  • Maghull Westway, by Central Square.

When promoting a street collection, the following regulations must be complied with. 

  • Application shall be in writing, with one month’s notice.
  • Authority can limit the location of the collection.
  • Collectors must be appointed by the promoter in writing, and be able to show that.
  • Collectors should be on the pavement, if there is one.
  • Collectors should not inconvenience or annoy people.
  • Collectors should not importune and annoy people.
  • Collectors should stand still and be 25 metres apart.
  • Collectors must be over 16.
  • Collectors must use boxes and monies must be placed in that box.

Any collection boxes used must be:

  • Closed and sealed
  • Numbered consecutively
  • Carry the name of the charity or fund
  • Delivered unopened to the promoter
  • Opened in the presence of the promoter and another responsible person
  • The contents counted immediately and recorded.

Collectors must not be paid.

Promoters must make a return to the local authority within one month certified by an accountant or responsible person.

A Highway Amenity (Special Events) Licence is required to use a portion of a public street, road or place for the sale of goods, charitable events, charitable collections etc in such circumstances. Apply online for a special events licence

More details on these matters can be found on our page on street trading licences.


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