This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people

Litter Bins on a Public Highway

Report using My Services Portal.

To have a litter bin installed please contact your local councillor 

Sefton Council provides litter bins on its streets for the disposal of small items of rubbish such as paper, cans, bottles, packaging, and dog waste. If the litter bin you are reporting is in a park or beach please report to

Litter bins are not for the disposal of domestic refuse. The placing of domestic refuse in a litter bin is a fly tipping offence for which there are heavy penalties. The Council will take all steps necessary to help ensure that litter bins remain fit for their intended purpose and are available for people to deposit items of litter. This includes taking enforcement action.  All incidents where domestic refuse has been placed in or alongside litter bins will be investigated by Enforcement Officers and those found to be responsible will face being issued with a fixed penalty notice or prosecution.

Litter bins in town centres, local shopping centres and busier public parks are emptied more frequently than all other litter bins which are emptied regularly.

Last Updated on Monday, April 22, 2024

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