If you are a parent/carer of year 6 children who are due to transfer to secondary school in September 2025, make sure to apply for their secondary school by 31st October 2024

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Coast & Countryside

 Frequent visitor to the beach?

Why not get a beach parking contract for the summer season and save money on parking charges...

Coast and Countryside

Sefton’s coast and countryside is the perfect setting for those who want to get away from it all and explore the area. Stretching for 22 miles, this unique and tranquil coastline offers something for everyone.

Maintained by our Green Sefton Service, our partners and dedicated local volunteers, our coast and countryside has beautiful beaches and a vast stunning landscape of sand dunes and woodlands home to an array of wildlife. 

One of the best places in the country for nature study or if you are a student looking for a research project, it’s also extremely popular for walking, cycling and a range of other activities such as kite surfing and sea fishing. 

Avian Flu

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Sefton Coast Plan – Visioning Position Statement 2021

The Sefton Coast defines the Borough and is much loved by both residents and visitors alike. It is the reason many people chose to live and work, as well as spending their leisure time, in the Borough.

From stunning beaches to woodlands and dune systems brimming with wildlife, this unique landscape is rarer than rain forest. Sefton Council and its communities are custodians of this special place that has evolved over thousands of years, and continues to change before our eyes to this day.

It is home to an incredible array of flora and fauna – from the infamous Red Squirrels, to the rare Natterjack Toads and Sand Lizards – and it is protected as a Site of Special Scientific Interest, a Special Area of Conservation, a Special Protection Area and a RAMSAR and Natura 2000/ National Site Network site because of the range of dune habitats and rare species that can be found here. Two areas are also designated as Marine Conservation Zones.

Balancing the need to provide great visitor facilities and opportunities at the coast, with the unique environmental sensitivities, means that Sefton Council, and its partners, has to delicately manage its popular coastal locations.

The Sefton Coast Landscape Partnership is a long-standing group of all significant land owners and partner agencies with a key interest in the Sefton coast. The Board meet quarterly, are supported by a number of sub committees, and oversee the delivery of an Action Plan that came out of the 2017 Coast Plan.

Together they have developed a Visioning Position Statement, adopted in summer 2021, that provides progress on the Coast Plan delivery to date. From the sub strategies that will support delivery, to the gateway masterplans and visioning that are in development. It is the intention for this Position Statement approach to be regularly updated over time.

Download and read the Visioning Position Statement below.

Sefton Coast Plan – Visioning Position Statement 2021 (pdf 598KB)

Last Updated on Thursday, August 15, 2024

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