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Sefton Carers Centre

Sefton Carers Centre provides free advice and guidance, emotional and practical support, training and a range of holistic therapies for unpaid carers living in Sefton.

They offer training, support and most importantly a free carer's assessment. A Carer’s Assessment looks at the different ways that your caring role affects your life, we look at how you can carry on doing the things that are important to you.

Visit the Sefton Carers Centre website


Young Carer

Children and young people under the age of 18 who provide care to a family member who has a physical illness/disability, mental illness, sensory disability or problematic use of drugs or alcohol are classed as young carers. 

Young carers take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult. They may be doing tasks like shopping, cooking or housework, or they may be feeding, toileting and bathing the person they care for. They may also be looking after siblings, giving medication, interpreting because of hearing, visual or speech impairment, or because English is not the first language.

They could also be providing emotional support for the person they care for, especially if the person has a mental health problem or substance addiction.

Young Carers can face multiple problems as a result of the impact of caring. They may experience social exclusion and bullying, problems in getting to school or getting there on time, homework and attainment difficulties, low self esteem and self-confidence, constant worry about the person they care for, as well as financial difficulties.

They can get support from the Carers Centre tailored towards young carers. 

Sefton All Age Carers Strategy 

You can now read and download your copy of the Sefton All Age Carers Strategy for 2025 - 2028 The strategy has been published following consultation with local carers of all ages. 


Last Updated on Friday, January 17, 2025

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