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Sefton Local Election results

Day Opportunities Tender Information

Day Opportunities

Engagement Event

There will be a Market Engagement Event on Wednesday the 9th of March 2022 via MS Teams from 11am to 12 Noon.  

Anyone wishing to attend must register their interest through the CHEST portal by 12 noon on Friday the 4th of March 2022.

If your organisation is not already registered on the CHEST portal, then you can do it free of charge via this link:

Once registered on the CHEST you can access ‘Current Opportunities’ from the CHEST homepage and under ‘Organisations’ narrow the search to Sefton Council only results. You will see this market engagement event listed in the search results.

Once you access the opportunity you will need to complete, upload and submit the form titled ‘Day Opportunities Provider Information’ ahead of the submission deadline. We will then issue your organisation with an invitation to attend the event. 


The Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2021 sets out the ambition and long-term vision for the future of public services in Sefton and will help shape sustainable models of care that achieve better health and wellbeing outcomes, promote independence and have prevention and early intervention at its core. The strategic direction is to move towards person centred services and to invest in innovative and creative support  Day Opportunities is a key strand of the Market Position Statement. 

The model and approach are formed by three primary elements:

  • Individuals and their carers can independently access a range of support to maximise independence which is founded upon a socially inclusive model within the community, for example employment, education and leisure opportunities. It would not be anticipated that people within this model would require attendance at a day centre activity
  • Individuals and carers are provided with a combination of the above with some community provision within a physical setting. People assessed would also be accessing support within a day centre setting at some point. However, there would be an ambition for people to move towards independent access to a wider range of opportunities, building on appropriate support to achieve this
  • People with profound disabilities and complex needs are provided with a range of opportunities to maximise potential within a range of physical settings, whilst at the same time provided with support within the community where appropriate and person centred

The model seeks to provide a building- based option for those people with the most complex needs, whilst enabling all eligible service users to access a range of opportunities within the community, where enhanced opportunities for employment could be developed.

The key aspirations of the model are:

  • Focus on the individual, their strengths, choices, assets and goals through person centred planning
  • Focus on the outcomes that service users and carers wish to achieve
  • Provide support that enables the person to access a range of opportunities in the wider community as an active and equal citizen
  • Maximise the most of a vibrant borough, ensuring access to the wide range of opportunities Sefton has to offer


On the 24th of June 2021 Cabinet agreed that the Executive Director of Adult Social Care would undertake a consultation as part of the wider project to remodel and re-procure day opportunities, taking account of the subsequent impact of the COVD-19 pandemic and the changing aspirations of young people transferring to Adult Social Care.

In addition, to ensure that the market is ready in response to the needs of citizens it was agreed that a procurement process would be undertaken to establish a local purchasing arrangement in Sefton which will secure a range of suitable, quality and diverse services to meet the needs of people who meet Care Act eligibility.

A commitment was made to co-design the consultation and engagement approach with people who use day services, parents, carers and local advocacy organisations and the voluntary and community faith sector to ensure the consultation remained as independent as possible.

The consultation ran from the 11th of October 2021 and ended on the 9th of January 2022. The consultation report will be presented back to the Council towards the end of March 2022.


Local Dynamic Purchasing System

The aim of the development of a Local Dynamic Purchasing System in relation to Day Opportunities in the borough of Sefton, is to encourage a range of providers to work collaboratively to further build on the growth of the diverse richness of resilient communities across the borough and to dynamically shape services which are person centred and strength based.

Such an approach will inform a local market offer which will focus on outcomes for service users and carers, will be cost effective and flexible, ranging from targeted building based and community provision alongside community connection and short- term interventions to facilitate access to employment, education and active citizen opportunities.

This approach will also enable a local commissioning and financial grip on quality and cost, a strong line of sight to service users and carers and will facilitate the shaping of a commissioning relationship with providers based on the improvement of outcomes with the potential to grow new models of support at a local level based on provider expertise and innovation.

We will work with providers to consolidate a strategic relationship which will also enable the introduction of social value with a focus on local provision for local people and the growth of a Sefton workforce and supporting infrastructure.


The core outcomes we would be looking to achieve through the Sefton Local Dynamic Purchasing System are:

  • Responsive and flexible support for local support for local people and their families
  • Line of sight strengthened to our most vulnerable adults
  • To manage the market more effectively, improving the relationship with providers to build a collaborative approach and subsequent shaping of new and alternative models of support
  • To improve quality and safeguarding through the consistent application of local quality assurance standards
  • To collectively deliver cost savings and best value
  • Increase choice, promote independence and focus on strengths as opposed to deficits
  • Incentivise innovation and the shaping of new models of support linked to social enterprise, mutuals and community interest companies
  • Opportunity to jointly commission with partners
  • Social Value- committed to promoting local skills and employment, sustainable and local business growth, building healthier, safer and resilient communities, promoting and enabling innovation, fair and ethical employment practice


Last Updated on Tuesday, May 31, 2022

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